Prices And Availability
Booking Info
Generally prices range from £700 to £1100 per property per week depending upon the time of year. Please use the navigation menu to the right of this screen to checkout prices, availability and access the booking form. Please read the terms and conditions and contact us to check availability before completing and returning the booking form.
To print a copy of the Booking Form please click here…Booking Form and T&Cs
Special Offers
Discounts may be available for 2 week bookings, or in particular to those larger groups who may wish to block book both properties at the same time, Please contact us for further information at the time of booking.
It is now compulsory for all Holiday Rentals in France to pay a local ‘Tax de Sejour’ This will be collected locally by us and paid directly to the relevant Tax Office. The charge rate for our properties are €0.82 per person over the age of 18, per night of their stay. This will now be collected on arrival along with the security deposit.
We apologise for this additional expense but it is now a legal requirement that we have to undertake.